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A Google Web Story is a visual content format that can be displayed across the web. Like Instagram stories, they allow creators to publish various images, videos, and audio.

It is important to note that, unlike Instagram Stories, Google’s Web Stories can be viewed on a creator’s own website. This gives publishers more freedom over what is contained in the story as there are no restrictions around content.

Google Web Story Sample

One of the advantage of using Google’s stories compared to other competitors’ social media story format is their accessibility from the search engines. Google web stories can be indexed like a normal web page and can result as a google search result.


How to Create Google Web Story?


You need not be a coder to create web stories, Google offers many third-party tools integration to create web stories just by drag and drop interface.

Google Web Stories plugin is for WordPress websites. Using this you can create and publish your first web story inside WordPress CMS.

Guide to installing the Plugin


What are the Benefits and Uses of Google Web Stories?


  • The story content is Under Your Control, with no restriction limitations like other social story content rights
  • You can Monetize with the web stories. The best topics to generate more revenue are “Trending topics in google trend and bing search engines” Guide to monetizing from web stories
  • External Links can be added to the web stories content, this allows creators to redirect the short story info to the full information blog page. 
  • Google web stories support Google Analytics for Tracking the user behaviours on the story content.
  • Stories are Responsive hence there is no need to create separate content for mobile and desktop.

  • Web stories can be interactive by adding interactive elements like quizzes and polls. 
  • The Google web stories don’t have an expiration date and they will not be deleted automatically, you can hold your stories as long as you want.
  • Google web stories can be indexed as a normal web page and rank well on search engines if the standard SEO guidelines are followed.
  • You are free to use any font, colour and animation to design the web story that suits your brand style.



Since it’s difficult to build the code to create your own web stories. There are many plug-ins that help you create them easily just by drag and drop features.

Google web stories are a rich, engaging content format that brings a lot of potential to all brands and marketers.

If you have created any web story, mention the link in the comment section below.